Don't ask what the
world needs.
Ask what makes you
come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

- H. Thurman


cali+blu offers modern + fun art prints, as well, full custom design and printing for special occasions and business identities.

as seen in Covet Garden & little bungalow 

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Entries in health (4)


sayonara sickness

Good riddance! 

Sorry I've been MIA for the past bit, I was KO'd again by the sick germs... I'm feeling wayyyyyyy better now & I hope this is it! 

I love the world of the living!



I'm just getting over laryngitis + a massive ear infection (oooooooooh thats what that pain was! I just learned to live with it!! haha) 

+ throwing my neck out

+ the never ending coughs

+ the colds

+ the worlds worst stomach flu

wow 2011 has been grand so far!! I think I've been more sick in the last few months than the past 10 yrs!!!

and its not just me, I'm polling those around me... ITS EVERYONE!! wtf

At least I have amazingly great cholesterol... Cheap thrills in getting old-er ;)


I keep falling more in love

with my Yoga classes... 

It was full on L-U-V the first day back, then I thought the flame might fade a bit like those old jeans... No way! With new instructors and old ones that push the envelope, I keep falling deeper... And damn its a great feeling! At this moment I couldn't possibly feel any more exhausted, I pushed every fiber in my being this afternoon... and I'm grinning... Its that slow, sly grin, creeping up the corner of my mouth... 

I'm hooked & I love it.


mmmmm yoga, I've missed you

It's been far too many months, but I'm back! and it feels oooooooooh so good!

The sweat, the stretch, the strength, the complete focus. 

I had a badly jammed wrist and as much as I tried to practice around it, that was virtually an impossible feat. I finally listened to my team of people that keep this ailing body in working order and I let my wrist heal with time. (It's amazing that as we age, it really does take a team to keep us in operating condition!... so sad... haha)

I went to my 1st Hatha Flow in ... I can't remember how long!

It was like finding an old friend... picked up just where we left off.

Time does heal.