Don't ask what the
world needs.
Ask what makes you
come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

- H. Thurman


cali+blu offers modern + fun art prints, as well, full custom design and printing for special occasions and business identities.

as seen in Covet Garden & little bungalow 

look for me on:
search site

Happy Turkey Day!

For all of my family & friends north of the border: wishing everyone a sunny, safe and healthy holiday! 

Note: not a single turkey was harmed in our residence this time around...


Attn: Cough

This will serve as formal notice.

It has been a lengthy term and your services are no longer needed.

Please leave the premises immediately.


Dear Buckley's

I love that you have come up with a gel capsule - no more having to endure the 'it tastes awful. and it works' - it just plain works! I love how you have gone to great lengths to colour code day time from night time formulas. I love that the blue one knocks me out.... not such a great fan that the yellow one makes me feel like I'm constantly leaning left... not so cool when I quickly sit down in my uber fast spinning chair at work and it takes me an hour to regain balance... Just sayin'

Great things come from this great white north - Buckley's, keep it coming!


Happy Schlittzing!

Oh what a weekend! Poor Starr girl was so sick! I think she may have eaten some bad grass on the way to Whistler or picked up a rancid bug, 'cause wooooooooo-weeeeeeeeee it was not pretty for 40 hrs!! Aside from having to run her out every 2-4 hrs, she wasn't acting sick... Just sooo sad when they stare at you with those 'Please help me!' eyes!! She got her fix of plain rice in and finally got back to drinking water (scary for a bit). 

Thankfully I didn't come home to any 'surprises' today and I'm extremely happy that she's fully back to normal! I think she's even happier!!

ps - thx for the title Nicky!!

pss - Dan will be mortified that I wrote about this
- funny that he doesn't share my love of discussing poop ;)


A Perfect Latte

I think the worlds problems can be solved by a perfect latte. And who doesn't smile a bit when their great barista pours that fun leaf or heart shape on top? If you don't, you are made of stone.

My friend H & I can tackle a multitude of issues over our 2 hour 'catch up' meetings... If the powers that be could maneuver through a conversation like ours, well, all problems would be solved and there would be plenty of time for wine... or to cuddle with the most handsome 6mo. old! 

As we savour our caffeine intake, all of the 'not so greats' melts away and we are able to walk away feeling like we've got everything grasped by the ... Oh wait, thats just my reaction to too much espresso!