Don't ask what the
world needs.
Ask what makes you
come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

- H. Thurman


cali+blu offers modern + fun art prints, as well, full custom design and printing for special occasions and business identities.

as seen in Covet Garden & little bungalow 

look for me on:
search site

Oooooh so busy!

I know, I know... I haven't been around & I promised I'd have news... well...

I've been launching my pet portrait business!

Check it out:

It combines EVERYTHING I love!!
(well almost everything... pizza, wine & Dan aren't totally in it, but they have very strong supporting roles)

Let's cheers to a new year, filled with health, happiness & fantastic opportunities!



Gobble Gobble

Happy Turkey Day to all of my friends state side!

We have so much to be thankful for, including the beautiful winter wonderland Vancouver is experiencing today!

Missing those far.


So excited!

I have news...

but I can't say anything just yet...

not ready...

but soon...


I've worked my butt off ;)


Feel Good Music

I'd have to say, any time I need a 'pick me up' in the music sense, my go to is No Doubt.

Yes I am dating myself.

For the past umpteen years, Gwen & crew can always put a smile on my face and make me wanna shake what my momma gave me...

Even on the days that scrolling through my ipod seems endless... Searching for that something different to put on a smirk - I'll try a few bits of other stuff, but the ol' OC group ends up on top.

Thanks guys - for the years of good times!



The Circus is in Town!

Oh joy! I come back from Toronto with not 1 but 5 (and growing) fever blisters on my mouth and I find poor Starr's skin allergy has been kicked up a notch (more like 10)....
we are so cute!

So as we are out for a walk, the gaping stares are abundant, followed by the finger pointing and covering of children's eyes... I guess they didn't get the memo that the bearded lady and the half goat half man are just around the corner.