Don't ask what the
world needs.
Ask what makes you
come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

- H. Thurman


cali+blu offers modern + fun art prints, as well, full custom design and printing for special occasions and business identities.

as seen in Covet Garden & little bungalow 

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Entries in music (8)


with a very sad heart...

Adam Yauch 1964-2012. Images courtesy of: Beastie Boys, T Richardson, E Roberts, T Robinson

Cancer has taken another amazing life far too soon.

A life that has made our world a better place.

Thank you Adam, for making me smile, laugh, fight for my rights and for cherishing each day...

I have grown up with your music, each album a defining period of my life filled with great memories.

My heart is with your family & friends. 


Somebody That I Used to Know...


Love the song. Love the cover. Love all 5 band members on one guitar. LOVE Sarah Blackwood's hair!

I dare you NOT to have this song in your head ALL DAY! 

And that is definitely not a bad thing!

Great work Walk off the Earth!


ooh Adele you are amazing

It doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing, Adele's voice will easily transport me to that moment in time where everything but the music stops.

Its her raw power. She needs not be Vegas splashy. She inspires by being her true self. 

To be able to spend an afternoon with this awesome lady, soaking up her energy & laughing our asses off, would be in my top 5 for sure! 

Sit back, relax & enjoy: Premiere 'Someone Like You' - Adele

- courtesy of vevo 


i heart my SIGGs

I travel with water. Its a must to me, right up there with my mascara (I have invisible eyelashes, but thats a whole other story).

I absolutely LOVE my SIGG bottles & I have a few sizes (I've even been known to bring all with me to make sure I have enough water if there isn't a chance to refill - hehe)


SIGG Switzerland AG is a renowned company with a long and unique history of success. Founded in Switzerland over 100 years ago, SIGG specializes in reusable aluminum water bottles. These «Original Swiss Bottles» are produced in our own manufacturing plant in Switzerland, and with an export share of more than 90%, they make a global statement for quality, design and eco-friendliness.

All SIGG bottles are 100% recyclable and contribute significantly to reducing the global carbon footprint. Every year, we launch a new design collection of SIGG bottles, two of which have found their way into the permanent exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City.

- excerpt from SIGG website

SIGGs not only hold water - they can be amazing musical instruments too!

Check out 'Play SIGG' an interactive art installation from a group in Tokyo Japan.

"PLAY"SIGG from aircord on Vimeo.




Crank it up

I can't get enough of this song! I love it soo much! 

When I hear a song that seems to go through me, not just that its playing and I hear it, but I feel it...

Yep, those are the BEST songs!! 

Mumford & Sons - The Cave